Saturday, July 10, 2010

a fellow weekend designer...
Tracy G.

You may remember in my first Color Boost, I featured a darling fabric wreath from Tied Up Memories.  Well,  I've since purchased that wreath and found myself watching all the beautiful designs created by Tracy G.   She was recently featured on the "Hand Picked Items" on Etsy. [Bella Blue Bracelet just below]   Quite the talent!  Tracy was ever so kind to humor my curiosities and provide us with a glimpse into what makes her tick creatively.  So, without further adeu, in her own words...
How did you get into jewelry making?  Did you always have an expressive creative side?   Do you have an art or design degree?
I started making jewelry about 3 years ago. I have a creative soul and tend to dabble into everything! I love to design. I worked at a store that had an "Anthroplogie" style setting and I was the visual merchandiser and created the store displays. I could create to my heart's content. That was my passion. I do not have a design or art degree, I  just have a talent to put things together and can come up with something unique and different. I have an eye for color and love to paint too!  Etsy is where my inspiration is now! I'm always inspired by all the awesome artists that I see.
How would you describe your aesthetic?
I love vintage anything! It is in my soul! I love the hunt for vintage jewelry finds and put them in my jewelry to create a piece that is beautiful and unique. 
How do you balance your work life with your family/personal life? Is it a juggle? 
I'm a wife and mother of 3 children and a puppy! I also believe my husband has inspired me with his French culture. He's from Normandy, France. I've been to France many times and it has a positive effect on my creativity. I'm a stay at home mom and make my jewelry in between all the mom and puppy stuff. It's what I love to do! You can see my work at my shop and my blog too at [You'll love her French tunes!]  

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely feature! I appreciate it! Thank you so much!
