Monday, February 13, 2012

Miles Redd

Miles Redd

Aimed to fortify your awareness of another trendsetter, lets talk about Miles Redd.  Miles Redd is a natural subject for such a discussion.  He has trained under John  Rosselli (we’ll get to him) and Bunny Williams and has emerged as a “notable” in world of design.  Apartment Therapy described his work as “rule breaking riot of color,” with “more is more interiors.”
A romantic, Redd infuses glamour in most every interior he touches.  He credits Bunny Williams with teaching him the basics of practical design and managing a budget.  Having studied at NYU and Parsons, Redd entered the design world from several angles, confessing he would have quickly become an antique dealer had decorating not panned out.  I found his manner in interviews to be gracious and down to earth, though unabashedly himself in his love of glamour and the luxurious.  His genial manner is quick to attribute his success to those influences of history and his own career who developed his eye and craft.  He is oft’ to mention the illustrations of Rene Gruau as inspiration (snagged a few below for some context).  
His office is on Bleecker street (East Village), with a Little Italy townhouse he shares with his sister and her family (below).  He runs his own design firm, Miles Redd, LLC, and sits as the Director of Oscar de la Renta Home.  Take-away impression of Redds’ work: color, drama, and luxury.
2 miles redd
“Buy the best and you only cry once.”
#7 of Top 12 Things He Can’t Live Without: “Trays.  They give order and clarity to clutter.”
#12 of Top 12 Things He Can’t Live Without: “Juxtaposition: high/low; shiny/matte; refined/crude; grand/humble; modern/ancient. It is the essence of chic.”
Tips for young designers: “….answer the telephone. Most people let everything go to voicemail. Answer every phone call because the early bird catches the worm. Everyone is so addicted to email these days, and it’s so nice to actually have a live conversation. Also, use your home as your best laboratory. Don’t be afraid to try all the things that are dancing through your own mind and experiment.”
On his clients, “When you’re in control [referring to working for himself],” he continues, “if you don’t click with someone, you don’t have to accept them as clients. Decorating is about personality. I love the people I work with.” [This goes for every service provider, right?!]
“Order is important.  And decorating is pointless without proper housekeeping.”
[Q: Even though they are new designs, your rooms have the looks of those that have been lived in for decades. What is your secret to creating rooms that feel so comfortable and loved?]
“It's all in the mix. And my rooms are object driven, as opposed to fabric/upholstery. It makes them more meaningful.”
26-Graev5Franz Klein Miles Redd Elle Decorkaiser-10mendenhall-9miles-redd-interior-design-ed1110-08

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