Friday, June 18, 2010

An Education

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is miracle.
-Albert Einstein

Life, my dears, can become so daily.  I find that learning goes a long way in exciting the monotony.  Understanding the connection in things, their origin--the full import of their meaning--is energizing to me. Design is generous to its admirers in this respect.  Trends play themselves out from fabrics to jewelry to paint colors to cars.  For example, I recently read about a car company who has hired a slue of fashion designers to help them design their new body styles.

So, I thought I would inform all of you that, for better or worse, you are signing on  to  become educated about design.  I'm going to do some research and inform us on the terms that denote different styles or particular forms.  Rest assured, I am a very studious individual--I'll be an over-achiever fellow student of yours in our journey.  Shall we begin?

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